Maximum POP! filter
by Luke Hurd
“I made an effect based on the weird years of 1985 – 1995. Max Headroom, Seinfeld, War Games, The Simpsons, Terrible Sears Photography – it really had it all. This has sound effects, particles, facetracker, yadda, yadda, yadda. Tap on a screen to launch the TV. Tap on the top dial to change channels. Tap on the bottom dial to change the color of the TV set. Tap on the glasses to change lenses. Tap on your face to hide the glasses. Tap the screen anywhere else to hide it all.
..and in true War Games fashion, I’ve hidden an easter egg. I wont tell you how to activate it, but the video of what it does is in the comments. Fun one to build!” – Luke Hurd