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Hey AR Creators 👋

We’re finally back with another prized challenge! 🙌

This time the theme is: Tomorrow Today – What will the next decade bring? 🔮 💡 and we must say this edition is truly special – we’re hosting it together with Spark AR / Meta just like before, but also in partnership with the UAE National Program for Coder’s HQ, Dubai’s Museum of the Future and two brand partners: Emirates Airline and Accenture, who provided us with challenge statements based on their own missions and visions for the future.

In this challenge you can win up to $6,000 cash in each track✨ Scroll down to read more about: Theme & Two Branded Tracks, Prizes, Timeline, Workshops, FAQ and our Terms & Conditions.

Theme & Tracks 🔮

Overall theme of this challenge is Tomorrow Today – What will the next decade bring? 🔮 💡
Try to envision how technology and innovation will influence the way we live, work, travel and communicate. Will the next generation of employees ever go to the office? Or are we all going to drive there in smart, self-driving cars? Will the socio-economic differences between countries and cultures have a lesser influence on our youth’s opportunities?

Show us how you imagine the next decade using Spark AR! In both tracks we’re especially looking for AR Effects featuring and utilizing: Scene Understanding, Object Tracking, Hand & Body Tracking, Multipeer and World AR.

Track #1 💫 ✈️

Emirates Airline:
Mobility of Tomorrow

Connection is the most important aspect of today’s global society and its meaning will only grow and expand in the future. Emirates is challenging Spark AR Creators to explore how mobility and travel will change in the coming years. With air travel soon having its 120 years anniversary, it’s time to imagine the next era of our in-the-clouds journeys. From aircraft, inflight entertainment systems and pilots attire to the very essence of flying and travel – your challenge is to showcase your AR vision of the theme:
 Mobility of Tomorrow.

Track #2 ✨ 💼

Opportunities of the Future

Accenture is challenging Spark AR Creators to examine the role of technology and its impact on future societies, careers and our common goal of equal opportunities for all. Future jobs will not only transform in terms of place or workflow, but also most-wanted skills and most-needed tools. Reacting and adapting to disruptive technologies and constantly evolving work environments will bring both new opportunities and challenges to job seekers, workers and entrepreneurs around the world. These changes also offer a chance to empower women, youth and further marginalized groups. Your challenge is to create an Instagram AR Effect to explore and envision the Future of Work in your own AR way.

Prizes 🎁

In each of two tracks described above you can win:

One (1)
First Prize of $6,000 cash

Three (3)
Secondary Prizes of $3,000 cash

Six (6)
Third-tier Prizes of $1,000 cash

Ten (10)
Honorable Mentions worth $500 each

So overall we will award our Creators Community with over $50,000! 💰 Together with awesome opportunities to see your winning Effect used by Emirates Airline’s and Accenture’s social media accounts 🙌

Judging Process ⚖️

The judging process in this challenge starts with a pre-selection conducted by the Lenslist Team – you can be sure all of your submissions are tested and checked. Then, we invite our guest judges – from Emirates Airline and Accenture for each of their tracks and from Meta and the Museum of the Future in Dubai for both tracks – to give their scores on the best submitted Effects. Here’s who’s going to take part in the judging:

Ziad Traboulsi
Engineering Director, Reality Labs Partnerships at Meta

Anaelisa Aburto
Technical Artist at Meta

Dina Khalil
Technical Artist II at Meta

Xavier Anglada
Managing Director – Energy GCAL and Innovation Lead in the Middle East at Accenture

Keenan Hamza
Vice President, Technology Futures & Innovation at Emirates Group

Sundar Raman
Director of Technology at the Museum of the Future

And of course the core of our Lenslist Team, consisting of: our CEO Paweł Jarco, Co-Founder – Zuza Śliwińska, our AR Project Manager & Research Lead Aleksandra Juś and last but not least your favorite Community Manager – Jana Michajłowskaja.

Timeline 📆

This challenge is open NOW! You can submit your AR Effects between May 23rd and June 19th, 2022.

Workshops 📘

To help you come up with the best submissions possible, together with our friends at Meta we decided to organize workshops with two of the top, most well-known and skilled members of our AR Community: Kym Fiala and Balraj Bains and just before the contest ends, we’ll also have some fun on a live Q&A with 4 AR Creators at once! See both tutorials from our Experts below.

Watch how Kym explained his process of creating a World AR Effect – you definitely know him for his next-level 3D masterpieces.

See Balraj explaining how to use Hand & Body Tracking to create a highly interactive AR Effect, transporting you into a whole new world!

AND last but not least – on June 7th, we’ll host an Office Hours Q&A / Fun & Games with 4 surprise guests from the Spark AR Community, of course hosted by our Lenslist Team!


Make sure you read our Challenge Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy before submitting.

Who can take part?

  • This Challenge is open globally (see exceptions in the question below),
  • You need to be at least 18 years old,
  • Employees of Meta Platforms, Inc. and Lenslist (both Lenslist and Lens That), other partners in this Challenge and their immediate family are not eligible to participate,
  • Both individual Creators and collaborative Teams of 2-4 Creators can participate,
  • Brands and professional AR Agencies can not participate in the prize draw, but can submit their work to be showcased,
  • Spark AR Network Partners can participate.

Residents of which countries can NOT take part?

This Challenge IS NOT open to: Individuals who are residents of, or entities/organizations domiciled in countries noted in the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions: American Samoa, Anguilla, Dominica, Fiji, Guam, Palau, Panama, Samoa, Trinidad and Tobago, US Virgin Islands, Vanuatu, Seychelles, as well as any country that is not under any trade or economic sanction or on any program or country list designated by the United States Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control, or where the laws of the United States or local law prohibits their participation or receipt a prize in any contest and specifically excludes Russia, Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk regions of Ukraine, Cuba, North Korea, Iran, and Syria.

How to take part?

1. Create & Publish your AR Effect

  • First things first – Design your AR Effect in Spark AR and then publish it on Instagram. Download Spark AR here,
  • Keep in mind, your Effect should coincide with the theme: Tomorrow Today – What will the next decade bring? 🔮💡
  • Keep in mind that in order for your submission to be valid, Effects must be published on your Instagram account via Spark AR Hub. If your Effect didn’t go through the verification process yet, you can also submit it using the demo/test link. Go here to find out how to publish a link-only effect,
  • Works must follow Facebook’s Community Standards and comply with Facebook’s Terms of Service, Spark AR Studio Terms, Spark AR and Frame Studio Terms and Spark AR Policies,
  • Important note: Retain your original source files in the highest quality possible, as we might need them to make the final decision.
  • Go here to read the full Terms & Conditions.

2. Submit your AR Effect using our Submission Form at the bottom of this page 👇

  • Each Creator or Team can submit 10 Effects max in each track, so 20 Effects overall,
  • Each and every Effect should be submitted separately,
  • At the Effect Submission level, we added a “Description” space for you to describe your Effect, if you’d like to explain your idea further (it’s optional),
  • When submitting your first Effect, you’ll have to fill in a short form concerning your Spark AR experience and basic personal information,
  • In 48h you will get a confirmation email from our Lenslist Team, so that you can be sure your entry was valid and in accordance with our Terms & Conditions.
  • Go to the form at the bottom of this page and submit your vision of Tomorrow Today 🔮💡

What are the judging criteria?

  • 25%: Craftsmanship: technical achievements, capabilities used, ability to take advantage of the platform;
  • 25% Originality: uniqueness, difference from other submissions;
  • 25%: Creativity: creativity of elements used to create the Effect;
  • 25%: Theme: how well the Effect makes use of the contest theme.

Which Effects are not eligible for this Challenge?

  • Your AR project can’t include references to any real people, dangerous situations, other brands, show or imply alcohol or drunkenness, or anything offensive,
  • It has to be original! It means you can’t use any third-party pre-existing copyright materials and/or stock images in your project. No other person or entity may have rights to any submitted Work, while you can still use royalty free assets,
  • Effects submitted for our Challenge can be used by you for personal, non-commercial and portfolio use only,
  • Lenslist reserves the right to remove inappropriate, offensive and harmful submissions as well as projects that do not fit the brief.

Does my Effect have to be published? Can I use a demo link?

In order for your submission to be valid, Effects should be published on your Instagram account via Spark AR Hub, so no other software or platform can be used. Although, if your Effect didn’t go through the verification process yet, you can also submit it using the demo/test link. Go here to find out how to publish a link-only effect.

What kind of assets can I use in my submission? Can I use copyrighted material?

You can use free assets (eg. from Sketchfab) or those with royalty-free, non-commercial license as a part of your submitted Effect. You can’t use any third-party pre-existing copyright materials and/or stock images in your project. No other person or entity may have rights to any submitted Work.

Do I give away the rights to my Effect when submitting it?

Your ideas are safe with us! Submissions will not be visible to the public on Lenslist until the Submission Period is over, although, during the Submission Period, your project may be featured on Lenslist social media channels – of course with credits given to you – only as a way of spreading the word about our Challenge. Your design is your property and it will stay that way!

Do I need to have a Facebook/Instagram account?

In order to take part you need to have a valid Facebook account. It means that all Facebook/Instagram accounts must be at least thirty (30) days old and have not changed the age or date of birth in the last 30 days prior to entering the Challenge.

Is there any Submission Fee to take part in the contest?

No, submitting your Effect to our Challenge is totally free. Both downloading the software and entering the Challenge do not require any additional fee on your part.

Register & Submit

Do you own a Meta Quest VR headset?
Experience with Javascript?
Which AR creation programs are you proficient in?* (select all that apply)
Experience with 3D modeling?
Which 3D program are you proficient in?* (select all that apply)
Have you created an effect that includes interactive/utility 3D objects before this competition?
Which of the following best describe your work status in AR?
What would you describe your goal with Meta Spark or AR in general? (Please select all that apply)
Which of the following best describes your educational background for AR technologies?

By clicking submit, you agree to our Terms and submit your information to Meta for the purposes of this Hackathon.

For more information about how Meta handles your data please read our Data Policy.

I understand and agree to the Lenslist Meta Spark Hackathon – Terms and Conditions, including the Organizer’s Privacy Policy and the Hackathon Administrator’s Privacy Policy.

Congrats! You’ve already signed into our Hackathon.
Now all you need to do is submit up to 10 AR Effects.
Remember you need to submit them separately using the form below.

Effect Submission